Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another blog

This is a rather lonely (when I say that I mean the number of followers is rather low compared to some blogsites which have hundreds of followers, I class this website as lonely too) website about a recent graduate.

I'm finding it hard as a graduate WITH experience years of it, it is a fascinating insight as to the quandry of graduates today and this person has an MA which in theory stands head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. Though theory and reality are two completely different things I suppose.

The link is here


  1. Thanks for the link. It is admittedly lonely in that very few people seem to have found me. I get most discussion and feedback through importing it to facebook. How did you find me in interest?

  2. With a huge amount of freetime it is possible to find anything. I was actually searching for my own blog to see if it would come up on google and your site appeared under mine.
