Sunday, January 31, 2010

Worst depression ever

Something you won't find on the BBC, still the bottom has been hit, which means the only way is up...... unless it is a double dip recession like 1973.

New colour scheme

#04CE00 HMTL code for job centre plus green, sort of as homage to the passing of the old job centre website.

Advert for 'reliable workers' banned as discrimination by Jobcentre Plus


Although in our society today in its political correct climate, although it is far too easy to believe such things it is patently false story. Makes a nice headline though.

Reed website goes down

Must be due to the incredible number of jobs on there right

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It just keeps getting worse

10000 more jobs to go

MORE than 10,000 local government jobs could be lost in Wales over the next four years, according to estimates based on UK Government figures.

The figure has prompted concern not simply about the immediate impact on jobs and services, but also the future impact on opportunities for school leavers and graduates.

At least two Welsh councils are understood to be examining the possibility of “hundreds” of job cuts in the short-term, with fears budget deficits could quadruple over the next three years. Local government experts last night warned of the biggest squeeze on public services in a generation.

The consequences of the banking crisis, which have already caused significant job losses in the private sector, are expected to feed through to councils during the financial year that starts in April.

Council chief executives and finance directors are briefing local politicians on the options open to them in a climate where experts are predicting the need for bigger cuts than had previously been expected.

The previous post

Just to compare incase anybody comments though that it rather unlikely given that I have no followers or anything like that.

But I did check all of the jobs on January 29th within a 15 mile radius of Manchester any pay any hours. There were 23 Jobs posted for 29/01/2010, you can check it out yourself at the government's job seeker website.

23 jobs posted per day annualise that to a rough estimate of:

365 - Weekends (105) = 260 days of normal posting of jobs

260 * 25 jobs posted (just to be generous I've given them 25 not 23 jobs) = 6500 jobs. Which quite frankly is awful, however it gets worse, look at some of the jobs they are temp jobs and some of them do not exist. A big reason why agencies put jobs on the government website is that it costs NOTHING it is free. So much like anybody can put up job adverts.

Even in good times, better times like 2007 and 2008 there were many fake jobs posted about 25%, so the huge figure of 6500 should be closer to 4875 jobs for a city of 2 million.

Somehow the get a job you lazy bum type comments won't wash as there are simply no jobs for people to go to.

Lots of jobs today

10.05AM 30 January 2010, ALL jobs within the last 24 hours within a 15 mile radius of Manchester, ONE job...

I'll admit its a Saturday which is traditionally a low ebb for jobs but ONE job out of a population of 2 million!

Oh dear..

Friday, January 29, 2010

Still getting worse

Burnley job cuts

Burnley Shop Direct workers ‘in limbo’ after being told of 450 job cuts
10:42am Friday 29th January 2010

SHOCKED Shop Direct staff said they were “devastated” and “disappointed” by yesterday’s announcement that the company's Burnley operation is to close with the loss of 450 jobs.

Staff at the Kingsway building were told to stop taking calls immediately and attend a meeting in the briefing room at about 10am, and within an hour they were leaving work for the day, with many lives turned upside down.
Hundreds of workers looked shell-shocked as they filed out of the office, with many waiting for taxis or lifts, and around 30 heading to a town centre pub to drown their sorrows.

Job Scams still thick and fast

Scams still here

As I suspected

Yes there are jobs on the new government job seeker website, wait there is something wrong with this, 3 yes THREE jobs in the entire UK and they were posted about 4 months ago.

The other problem is that this new website which isn't new, the government culling 86% of its websites is a lie as the underlying functionality is still there and thus no real cuts only the appearance of cuts.

Also that there is MUCH more limited functionality on this site. It would take 90 seconds to check for ALL jobs in my area which could be defined as 5-10-15-up to 100 miles, now it takes longer and restricts your area of searching. Instead of 5-100 miles of your current location it instead gives you the choice of region and 1-15 miles distance within this region.

One year anniversary

Oh God, what a terrible anniversary, anniversaries are supposed to be happy times but its been ONE whole year of underemployment running around trying to find a job which paid the same as before. There isn't much happiness around these parts I tell you.

I'm rather unhappy about this and my morale is being sapped completely especially as my current job tiding me over as a kitchen porter is about to end.

In that if people like ME can't get a decent job then I wonder about the young'uns in that when I first graduated nobody would take me on. It was the same old experience trap.

I'm sorry kid but without experience I can't hire you, but how am I supposed to find a job without experience and how am I supposed to get experience without having a job?.

The mind boggles.

Great now what?

And in the middle of the deepest depression the UK has ever known, with jobs vanishing left right and centre (and this isn't even the worst part of it). What happened here?

The job centre website has gone and closed down....... this in addition to job centres themselves being closed down.

OK admittedly there is re-direction to another website

The problem with this is that the searching ability of this website is as yet 29/01/2010 still limtied MUCH more limited than that of the old job centre website.

A cynic would suggest that this is a tactic used by the government to hide the fact that there are few jobs in each area. Previously you could search within a certain proximity of your location, but this feature seems to be completely absent from the jobseekersdirect website.

Often I have searched and found absolutely nothing on a given day or half a page which then scrolls down to locations like London or Scotland even when I checked jobs for Manchester.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More job losses

Bloody hell more job cuts 750 Toyota jobs and 8500 AstraZenica jobs where is the jobs apocalypse going to stop!. Where the hell is the bail out for the private sector workers?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

UK not economy #11

Back in 1997 the UK was economy number #4,

"These are deeply depressing numbers for those longing for a sustained economic recovery in the United Kingdom. Just when we need to set free and empower the private sector, Britain is moving in precisely the wrong direction. We need reduced taxation, less regulation and a smaller role for government. What we're getting is exactly the opposite"

The UK performs extremely poorly on government spending, scoring just 41.9 out of a maximum 100. According to the report’s authors:

"…the government’s size and spending have grown significantly under successive Labour governments, damaging Britain’s competitive edge. Prime Minister Gordon Brown plunged Britain further into debt at the onset of the recent financial crisis with bank bailouts and stimulus packages."

This is particularly worrying because increased government spending has not improved economic crisis performance. In light of the global financial and economic storm, many advanced economies’ governments have stepped up spending to promote growth and employment. The early evidence is that such spending did not work.

The report provides further evidence that the UK is falling behind her economic competitors, particularly those in the Far-East and Australasia.

Hong Kong (score: 89.7) once again tops international rankings for economic freedom, with Singapore second (on 86.1) and Australia in third spot (82.6).

UK out of recession

UK out of recession

Oh so thats alright then 0.1% = out of recession.... well let me tell you of an old adage

There are lies damned lies and statistics, GDP is massaged, inflation as you may well know is also massaged.

In that GDP is funny, ok I mow your lawn, you mow my lawn, no money is exchanged however this is considered to be economic activity and it is counted in GDP numbers. But how? it just is.

Or GDP also counts how much rent you have to pay even if you are not renting, if you own your home outright GDP estimates how much rent you would have to have paid if you did not own crazy eh?.

Hence GDP may have grown 0.1% but its fake as it is likely to be still below zero, the recession continues unabated, as jobs are still being lost out in the real world....

But wait it gets even worse, the UK government has been printing money zimbabwean style, t hey issue bonds which the Bank of England buys £200bn worth. Zimbabwean style so with 200bn printed money (which is actually taken out of your pocket as it debases your currency) they only managed to acheive 0.1% growth?!.


Has a good take on this it is well worth an hour of your time to watch ALL of his videos to see the mess that we are all in.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why working doesn't pay

Work for £15k

Take home pay - circa £960pm
Less petrol, call that £100pm
Parking? Say £5pd = another £100pm
Actual take home = £760 pm
Council tax = £110 pm

Net ~ £650 pm

Live on benefits

Housing benefit - 2 sharing, 50% of the allowance for a 2 bed place round here = £400pm Unemployment benefit = £280pm

Actual take home = £680 pm plus net benefits e.g. council tax benefit

So in essence a £15000 a year job you are £30 Worse off than benefits, what a crazy country we live in eh?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Outrageous job adverts

Job 1, Blimey £6 an hour for London, do people realise just how expensive it is to live and work in London? , even if you commute into London the costs are horrendous. How exactly are people supposed to live in £6 an hour thats £225 GROSS per week or £200 a week after income tax and NIC. Even worse look at the qualifications needed for this job, it takes time to learn any one of those computer programming languages and yet this pays a mere 15pence more than the national minimum wage. Urgh...

Webdesigner for £7 an hour, way back in the dark ages as far as 1997 when my parents first bought me my first PC a mere 166 when pentium CPUs were new having upgraded from 386 systems. Webdesigners made £10 an hour, 13 years on they earn LESS than they did 13 years ago. What on earth happened to inflation at £140 a week you don't even earn enough to pay NIC. Back in 1997, £10 was worth something like £25 due to the net present value factors. There is something wrong with society where wages seem to go backwards, in that its a double whammy in that you get taxed more, paid less AND the pound in your pocket isn't worth as much as it was before.

Are these guys kidding?, 1st degree in computer science, so put yourself in the shoes of a graduate having studied for 3 years grown a massive amount of debt he or she to work for £8 an hour. The people putting up these jobs seem to be utterly deluded. I bet they will cry out for a skills shortage or why can't we get the staff!.

Hmm I think the next pictures will explain the jobs situation very nicely

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

NMW too much!

What the hell

What the hell? , freeze the NMW to keep people employed? the NMW currently isn't enough to live on what with hikes in bills taxes and rent, how on earth are people supposed to live?.

Sometimes I think victorian work houses never went away.