Job 1, Blimey £6 an hour for London, do people realise just how expensive it is to live and work in London? , even if you commute into London the costs are horrendous. How exactly are people supposed to live in £6 an hour thats £225 GROSS per week or £200 a week after income tax and NIC. Even worse look at the qualifications needed for this job, it takes time to learn any one of those computer programming languages and yet this pays a mere 15pence more than the national minimum wage. Urgh...

Webdesigner for £7 an hour, way back in the dark ages as far as 1997 when my parents first bought me my first PC a mere 166 when pentium CPUs were new having upgraded from 386 systems. Webdesigners made £10 an hour, 13 years on they earn LESS than they did 13 years ago. What on earth happened to inflation at £140 a week you don't even earn enough to pay NIC. Back in 1997, £10 was worth something like £25 due to the net present value factors. There is something wrong with society where wages seem to go backwards, in that its a double whammy in that you get taxed more, paid less AND the pound in your pocket isn't worth as much as it was before.

Are these guys kidding?, 1st degree in computer science, so put yourself in the shoes of a graduate having studied for 3 years grown a massive amount of debt he or she to work for £8 an hour. The people putting up these jobs seem to be utterly deluded. I bet they will cry out for a skills shortage or why can't we get the staff!.
Hmm I think the next pictures will explain the jobs situation very nicely

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