And in the middle of the deepest depression the UK has ever known, with jobs vanishing left right and centre (and this isn't even the worst part of it). What happened here?
The job centre website has gone and closed down....... this in addition to job centres themselves being closed down.
OK admittedly there is re-direction to another website
The problem with this is that the searching ability of this website is as yet 29/01/2010 still limtied MUCH more limited than that of the old job centre website.
A cynic would suggest that this is a tactic used by the government to hide the fact that there are few jobs in each area. Previously you could search within a certain proximity of your location, but this feature seems to be completely absent from the jobseekersdirect website.
Often I have searched and found absolutely nothing on a given day or half a page which then scrolls down to locations like London or Scotland even when I checked jobs for Manchester.
It is really inferior in every way. It hasnt been closed yet though we get notice! The thing I have found as well is the original site has proved less useful recently, as if to make us be glad when it finally disappears.