Monday, March 15, 2010


A continuation thread.

In the past couple of threads I mentioned migrant workers and outsourcing. Here is what I think about it.

In that in the past 10-15 years perhaps longer, the middle class white collar office workers generally had the I'm alright Jack mentality regarding work, in that they were ok so others must be ok. Bah you manufacturing low skilled work scum! Who cares about you? In that I'm alright and all that migrant labour and outsourcing means that things are cheaper for me.

So at the cafe I have a Polish bloke or woman serving me, but it keeps prices down right? Or at a factory for a supermarket they are stuffed full of migrants who work for less than minimum wage as the truck acts don't seem to apply to them. (This is where being paid in kind say vouchers for use at a factory shop is illegal). Hey it is A OK if I can buy cheap clothing at supermarkets and cheap clothing.

Those at the bottom who cares? damn them damn them all they should have got an education! As long as it ends up in cheaper goods for me that is all that matters.

But what if the working class complain about migrant workers?

I know lets call them racists and BNP supporters to stiffle debate and descent in our work places.

That was the mentality and it still is...

Except they forgot one thing in that it was the start of a slippery slope, in that migrant workers and outsourcing and insourcing (bringing people here to do jobs much like the fuel refinery issue in 2009 so we can pay them less). It spread far and wide.

Now bosses seeking to lower costs are starting to attack the middle class white collar jobs, it happened at my old firm the staff were one by one replaced by outsourcing and then the staff at the office were replaced by Poles.

As with the prior post I do not blame the Polish people individually, but the complete selfish nature of society in general which has come back to bite us on the ass. So I hope you enjoyed all of those cheap coffees cheap clothing and cheap food as the cost saving methods are moving into other areas.

They came for the jobs of the working class and now they come for the jobs of the middle class, it is no use stomping your feet as it has begun and it is an unstoppable juggernaut.

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